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Short bio (download):
Once upon a time, Kelly Jones was a librarian and a bookseller. Now, she writes novels for young people and takes care of a few hilarious chickens. She’s the author of Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer; Are You Ready to Hatch an Unusual Chicken?; Murder, Magic, and What We Wore; Sauerkraut; and Happily for Now. You can find her online at her website,
Long bio (download):
Kelly Jones grew up in a small town near San Francisco, California. She received a Bachelor of Arts in English and Anthropology and a Master’s in Library and Information Sciences from the University of Washington, and now lives near Seattle. She worked in libraries and bookstores for fifteen years, then began to tell her own stories.
Her first book, Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer, was an ALA Notable Book, a School Library Journal Best Book, a Kirkus Reviews Best Book, a Mathical Honor Book, and was nominated for children’s choice awards in 16 states. Her other books include Are You Ready to Hatch an Unusual Chicken? (an International Latino Book Award Finalist), Sauerkraut (a Junior Library Guild Selection), Murder, Magic, and What We Wore (an Amelia Bloomer List selection), and Happily for Now (a Junior Library Guild Selection).
You can find her talking to kids and other people who love stories about what it’s like to work as a writer, what her mostly-usual real-life chickens are up to these days, and what she’s reading. Look for her online at her website,